I accidentally left the felt letters in a pile on a table (the ones that spell STORYTIME on the felt board in the kids area). I noticed a rough looking guy with tatoos sitting there with a young boy (maybe 7 or 8). When I looked closer I noticed they were using the letters to see how many words they could spell! "Here, I can spell STORE" said the tatooed guy and then the boy said, "I can spell TOE!". How awesome is that!?! And all because I forgot to clean up my mess!
I promptly put out the whole box of letters.
This week it has been great to watch the many different interactions with the felt letters.
Here are some of the great literacy experiences I have seen this week with the felt letters!
Toddlers work on putting each letter on the board, looking closely at each one before they put it up (Letter Knowledge!).
Parents have lined them up for their little ones and they say the letter when the babies point to each one.
Each day I have noticed the alphabet being put in order and words and names being spelled in both English and Spanish! Here is a picture of what I saw this morning when I came into work...

Literacy experiences really can happen anywhere, anytime! Even by accident!
This is a fantastic story! Great way to remove barriers for our customers to create their own experiences!
That's great! We keep a flannel board out all the time, and the kids really love it. The "magic" of those felt pieces sticking to the flannel is, in itself, fascinating.
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