Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Fabulous Ready to Read Workshop!!

Just wanted to let you both know that the workshop Karyn and I presented last night was a smashing success! We were only expecting 10-15 parents but 27 showed up! Each had their kids with them too so in all we had over 60 participants. Before the workshop we set out the books and all the little ones stormed the stage to read them. We also got to read to a bunch of kids. Then, during the workshop, the children were very interactive and helped reinforce the R2R skills. They also participated with Good Night Gorilla. Afterward I stayed to help pass out pizza and talked with most of the parents about R2R, what programs are offered at the different branches, talked up the homework help centers, and passed out some library cards.

I know this was Karyn's first go at doing this sort of presentation, and she did a remarkable job. Kudos to her too!

This was a really wonderful experience. I've done several workshops in the past but this was bar none the greatest.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Sounds like a fantastic experience! Great work!