Thursday, May 7, 2009

Great Party!

Well, I don't know about the rest of you, but I have to admit to being moved to tears a few times yesterday afternoon at the wrap-up for this year's R2R grant project! What a fabulous celebration of all the work that YOU ALL accomplished! I'm sure the photo will be shared on CMLsi, and probably some stories, too. I just want to remind you all again that you can share great stories here on the blog, too, for posterity (as it were).

Beth M and I were talking yesterday about Sesame Street songs, and when I followed the link she sent me today about having a new way to walk (my new theme song), I also found this, and thought it would be a fun reminder of the great things we can to do keep learning fresh - change up the delivery method!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Where the Wild Things Are

Did you see on the news that President Obama read Sendak at the National Egg Roll on the White House lawn? The news clip I saw on TV showed him doing a great job!

National Center for Family Literacy

Do you read this blog? It's a great source of "what's going on" in the field of family literacy. This article, in particular, is a good one for our project.

Hope you're all doing well as the end of this year's grant wraps up!


Sunday, March 29, 2009

On hiatus...

This is going to be a busy week for me as I need to wrap up a theology research paper and start my spring quarter of library school. Therefore, I don't have time to even think of anything to blog about until next weekend, when I will most likely write about my reaction to the Twilight series (boy, did the last book suck!). Until then, take care!!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

How Toddlers Think

Cheryl Ewers shared this link on twitter last night: How Toddlers Think. It's interesting. Remember to share stuff like this as you come across it so we can all benefit!